
Multiple intelligence tests are a core focus areas of Mind beans India. Every individual is born with some talents and skills which are unique to each human being and make them distinct from others. Multiple intelligence test of Dermatoglyphics is a proven scientific tool and methodology which emanated from The United states of America.

The word Dermatoglyphics is a combination of two words which are derived from ancient Greek words Derma which means skin and Glyph which means carving. Dermatoglyphics is the science of studying natural and unique formation of finger print impressions on the human fingers. The finger prints never repeat and are unique to each Individual. The finger prints remain unaltered throughout the life of an individual. In the event of any cuts or injuries, the reformation of finger prints happen the same way as it had been at the time of birth and shall remain so till the last breath. This makes it distinct from Astrology.

The formation of the finger print ridges takes place along with the formation of the brain in the mother’s womb where brain and finger prints are formed simultaneously between the 13th to 31st weeks. Dermatoglyphics is the science of studying the unique finger prints and its interpretation for the likely identification of born inherent multiple intelligence of each human being. Every mechanical or electoral device usually comes with a manual. The effort is to ensure multiple intelligence report serves like a similar manual for every human who undergoes the multiple intelligence test

Benefit of Finger Print Analysis

Dermatoglyphics is that branch of science that makes one understand his or her own hidden potential and abilities. With the help of dermatoglyphics, we can find out our inborn advantages and give suggestions as per each person’s own characteristics with no prejudice. Our fingerprints never change in the whole life so it is completely different from people who read hands or fortune tellers, which only forecast our future by looking at the palms. Everyone acquires intrinsic intelligence from their parents and if one’s intelligence gets no chance to be motivated and further developed, there is no other way one can develop an intelligence of memory, understanding, analysis, reasoning, and application. By studying dermatoglyphy, we can exactly understand the distribution and number of cells in the left and right brain of the cell, and calculate where the potential lies.Dermotoglyphics analysis may help:

Dr Harold Cummins

Dr Harold Cummins is universally known as the Father and founder of Dermatoglyphics Science.

He was born in Michigan state and was alma of University of Michigan.

Dr.Harold Cummins was a world famous professor of his times with outstanding contribution in the areas of Anthropology, Anatomy, Human Genetics apart from Dermatoglyphics

Scientists researched skin ridge patterns and established that the fingerprint patterns actually develop in the womb and are fully formed by the fourth month of pregnancy

Brain and Finger connection

Right Brain is corresponding to Left Hand and Left Brain is corresponding to Right Hand.

Japanese medical expert professor pointed out that the fingers are closely related to the brain hemisphere. Therefore, this has been widely used in many fields.

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